Tuesday 3 October 2017

How To Whiten Your Teeth

Tooth whitening is first important thing to be done since it boosts the smile in our face. A stained or color teeth gives an ugly expression that will lower our self confidence. Today there are various methods to whiten those teeth and we explain a few here.

Of course we all do after we wake up in the morning is brush those teeth with a tooth paste. Here we have to make sure of using good toothpaste that has the seal of approval from ADA or the American Dental Association. These associations clinically prove that the tooth pastes aid in whitening the teeth. There are other tooth pastes that may cause damage to the teeth, so make a note of not using them. Also the Dentists and experts suggest to brush & floss the teeth 2 times a day that will reduce or prevent the stains.

Some times few stains cannot be removed by regular brushings. At these situations, one should do the treatment by a dentist who will use measures like bleaching gel and trays for whitening the teeth. The Dentist adapts 2 treatment methods here, one is in-office and the other is at-home treatment for the bleaching process. In Office treatment done by the dentist at the clinic will take 1 hour and the process may be repeated 2 to 3 times. A laser light is used to activate the bleaching gel.

In Home treatments requires the patient to wear custom made trays in their mouth fitted nicely. The bleaching gel is present in the trays. Here no light is used to activate the gel and so those processes will take time depending on the amount of stains or discoloration.

Do not run to buy those expensive whitening kits without having the knowledge or not taking any consult from the doctor. Those who cannot afford to take the treatment can try some home made natural treatments available in the kitchen cupboard like the baking soda. Mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda to make a paste. A flavor of mint can be added for a better taste and then the paste can be used to brush the teeth for at least 2 minutes. Make sure not to swallow the paste. This home remedy suggested by the grannies has shown amazing results to those drinkers and smoker having stained teeth.

One can follow this process weekly or monthly. The other option is a mixture of baking soda with strawberries that has wiped up stains caused by coffee, wine and sodas.

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