Wednesday 4 October 2017

Getting Rid of Acne the Cheap Way

Growing up is very fun. Everyday in a person’s life is a new and exciting day that is full of new discoveries. Many people consider being a teenager as the best part of a person’s life. But along with these wonders, there are also some problems that need to be addressed. One problem which we will discuss is acne.

Getting rid of acne is troublesome and expensive. For many people this is a big problem because acne affects their physical appearance and as a result, also affects their self-esteem.

There are many remedies for acne available in the market today. The only problem is that they are very expensive and some of them are damaging to the skin. These types of acne remedies will need proper amount of application and usage. Any slight contradiction to this instruction will result in irritation to the skin or worse, a scar.

Some of the alternative ways to tackle acne problem are things like strawberry leaves, milk, cucumber, and orange peel. These are not for consumption but for application to the affected area of the skin. Strawberry leaves help reduce the swelling and the pain of the acne while orange peeling reduces the area of the acne itself. Cucumber, on the other hand, has a soothing effect on the skin thus, taking away the pain while curing the acne. Furthermore, cucumber remedy can be turned into a paste which can be applied to the skin. It cleanses and refreshes the skin leaving it soft and smooth. To ensure the effectiveness of this treatment, repeat the cucumber paste process daily so that a breakout will be avoided. Milk is also good for the sin. It can be mixed together with some nutmeg. The mixture is then applied to the affected area, which helps the acne dry quickly.

Another alternative treatment for acne is mint juice. The juice itself can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with turmeric powder. This treatment can help dry the acne as well. But it is advised that the juice or mixture should stay on the skin for not later than 30 minutes, otherwise this will cause extreme dryness of the skin.

Searching for the right remedy for your acne problem may be a long process. It is even more tedious once you decide for alternative remedies and not those expensive chemicals. But, in the long run, you will be happy with the results. As the saying goes, the end justifies the means.

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