Wednesday 6 September 2017

Recognizing Breast Cancer Symptoms – Some Important Information

Identifying the symptoms of breast cancer is the most important thing to do in order to treat and get rid of this deadly disease otherwise it may turn out to be a nightmare in the end. The very first symptom or the subjective sign of breast cancer is occurrence of a lump in the breast that feels different and separate from rest of the entire breast tissues. Women themselves notice more then eighty percent of these cases of breast cancer by self-examining their breasts; that is what the Merck Manual states. Another statement from the American Cancer society tells that a physician notifies the starting signal of breast cancer using a mammogram.

Another symptom of breast cancer is a feeling of a lump in the armpits where the lymph nodes are; this is the first area that breast cancer targets. Some other common signs and symptoms of breast cancer include changes in the size and shape of the breast, breast skin beginning to get dimpled, experiencing nipple inversion, single nipple discharge spontaneously and breast pain known as mastodynia that is not actually a strong symptom but an indication to other severe breast diseases.

The Paget’s disease is said to be another composite sign leading to breast cancer in females. In this disease the sufferer notices mild flaking and redness on the nipple skin along with eczematoid skin transformations. As the Paget’s disease that is a symptom itself advances more, then some other signs show up such as itching, intense redness, burning, high sensitivity, pain and tingling in the breast and on the nipples. Cases of women suffering from Paget’s disease showed that more then half had a lump in their breast. There is always an excuse that such signs do not turn out to be breast cancer but are similar to breast diseases such as fibrodenoma or mastitis; even though it is not a breast cancer but any of the signs or symptoms should not be over-looked.

Sometimes the breast cancer cells spread and reach the dermal lymphatic resulting in severe skin inflammation that is also known as IBC or Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Symptoms such as pain, swelling, warmth, breast redness and an orangish peel skin texture all resemble to IBC. So it is important that you get yourself checked as soon as you even get a doubt of having any of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer I explained above.

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