Thursday 21 September 2017

Coping With Stress After Quitting Smoking

For someone who wants to quit smoking a very difficult period is the one immediately after. The brain and the entire body were used with some habits and substances that now disappeared and it is very hard to adjust. Smoking is an addiction because of the nicotine and so the person who's trying to quit has deal with the brain's need for the substance. If you are strong enough to ignore the desire to smoke, as time passes it will get easier.

In order for the quitting smoking process to be successful it is very important to live a life without stress or to keep yourself out of stress. A stressful job makes your objective very difficult to achieve and that is because everyone wants to smoke when are facing a difficult situation. If you know that you are exposed to stressful situations it's important to think ahead what to do in order to avoid smoking in these cases.

You have to think that smoking when you are facing with a difficult problem doesn't solve your problem at all, but it does affect your body in a negative way even though for the moment it seems to be the right thing to do. In this type of cases you have to find the best way not to smoke, to find another way to relax your body, you have to focus on how to solve the problem.

When you really want to stop smoking you have to make yourself believe that you don't need to smoke in order to feel better in stressful situations. This is no longer an option because if you can't control yourself is stressful situations then all your work for quitting is in vain. It is very important to control your need to smoke in these cases and to have a good attitude.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation you have to have the ability to think what you can to do for yourself in order to be calm and relaxed. The first thing that comes through your head it doesn't have to be that you need to smoke. You can do other things that have the same effect on you as a cigarette: listen to a song, take a walk in the park, enjoy the sunlight. All you need is to find those things and think that it wasn't the cigarette that solved all your problems, it was you. You have to replace a bad habit with one more benefic, that doesn't affect yours or others health and doesn't necessary create addiction.

If you are determined to quit smoking you have to have to be strong when you find yourself in a stressful situation and to think at all those who deal with such stress and don't even think about smoking. If they can do it, you can do it. There are other healthy ways to feel relaxed and able to make it through.

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