Friday 1 September 2017

Hair Restoration Surgery

If you have suffered hair loss and feel the need to do something to fill in those bald spots and regrow your hair you've no doubt discovered that there really aren't too many options available. Basically, you either can use topical solutions or hair restoration surgery.

Hair restoration surgery involves taking hair follicles from the sides and back of your head, which is called the donor site and transferring these follicles to the bald spot. Not everyone is a likely candidate for hair transplant surgery since the hair at the possible donor sites needs to be healthy and relatively thick. This procedure can take up to an entire day, is costly and recovery especially over the first few days can be extremely painful.

Another type of hair restoration surgery is referred to as scalp stretching. In scalp stretching the bald spot is literally cut from your head and is replaced with a portion of nearby skin that has healthy hair growth. This skin is then stretched over the area where the bald spot was removed and stitched in place. This procedure too can be expensive and incredibly painful.

The main complications of these surgeries are of course the likelihood of infection. Many people are not pleased with their hair restoration surgeries after the procedure is completed and they are out thousands of dollars.

Before deciding if hair restoration surgery is right for you, spend some time researching both the procedure and the results of the surgery itself. In some cases patients of hair restoration surgery find that not only does the surgery fail but, they suffer damage to more of their hair as well. In other cases where hair transplants are done patients are often disappointed to see that the transplants do not result in the thick hair they had imagined, but, is much thinner than they anticipated.

In other cases the transplanted hair simply does not grow and the bald spot returns. However, other people are quite pleased with their hair transplants and suffer few problems. By understanding the problems that may arise and having realistic expectations of what hair restoration can do for you, you are more likely to be appreciative of the results.

Keep in mind that this type of surgery is not for everyone and there are other options available such as topical solutions and hair pieces. A high quality hair piece looks and feels natural and costs far less than hair restoration surgery. However, for those who want their own hair then hair restoration is the only real option available.

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