Tuesday 15 August 2017

Quit Smoking

The health risks of cigarette smoking are well known. That is why I am pledging right now that I will quit smoking. I started smoking when I was just eleven years old. We used to sneak my mothers menthol cigarettes and go out in the woods and light up. Soon after that we would spend our lunch money on buying cigarettes. It was no problem getting them from the general store. We just used to tell the old woman that they were for our parents.

Soon we were smoking cigarettes in the boys room at school, on the school grounds at break and any other time we could sneak a smoke. Slowly but surely I became addicted to nicotine. I have tried to quit smoking many times in my life but could never seem to give it up. I always quit for a while and started smoking again as soon as I got around my friends who smoked.

Through the years I have watched other people around me struggle with quitting smoking and they too have gone back to it in most cases. Some have beaten it the hard way, by catching lung cancer. That is not how I want to quit smoking. I want to quit smoking while I am still relatively healthy and have some life left in me. I keep hearing about all natural stop smoking remedies in my travels around the internet. I really hope these remedies work as well as the many testimonials I have read say they do.

I think stopping the smoking habit will be bit easier this time because I have the support of my wife and kids. This in conjunction with a healthy variety of food, exercise and nutritional and herbal supplements should make quitting a lot easier than it has been in the past. Plus with the amount of eating establishments that have banned smoking inside their buildings, its one less place I can be tempted to smoke. As everybody already knows, after dinner is one of the most tempting times to smoke a cigarette.

I think of all the people I have heard of who have died through the years from smoking related illnesses and it really makes me sad. The list of people who have survived their illnesses is growing as well due to an advance in medical care. But I don't want to be dragging around an oxygen tank with me for the rest of my life. So it seems to me that the immediate answer to the problem is quit smoking now, while I still have my health.

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