Monday, 12 February 2018

What Are the Hair Regrowth Treatment Types?

Various ways are nowadays available in helping with hair regrowth when you are doomed to fight against hair loss. Many people reach for medicinal treatment although this one is known to work only in the early stages of this condition. But due to the fact that many causes are responsible with the hair loss process this doesn’t mean that hair regrowth pills will work the same for everyone.

The oldest method ever known to exist successfully is the hair transplant and scalp surgery. Hair transplant had its chance, but not once had it happened for former patients to suffer from hair loss in exactly the same areas after one year has passed from the surgery.

Nowadays there is the follicle transfer that is performed instead of grafting hair, but this one is quite expensive although it lasts for longer period of time making it a better option for hair regrowth.

Apart from hair transplants there is another type that deals with artificial hair fibers being transplanted for people who need to do this for cosmetic reasons. These fibers are made to match exactly with the original natural hair color.

The feel of them is not the same with that of a natural hair feel, but again this one is done in people who do not suffer from hair loss, but simply want to have more hair that will last longer than in the cases of natural hair transplants.

To count another type of hair regrowth treatment is the direct scalp medication. This one can be very expensive as it requires often visits to the clinic for scalp massage. This treatment seems to be very effective (it includes keeping the scalp clean and healthy) considering the lack of care people have towards their hair especially with the polluting of the environment that we are doomed to face on daily basis.

Once the cause of hair loss is related to the stress, then a type of hair regrowth treatment would be to go and relax inside a health spa resort.

Some of the services including as well scalp massaging, herbal treatments that have the purpose to detox the body along with a scalp cleansing. In this way you can combat the stress and the hair loss it brings, and enable the increasing of your hair regrowth process that you will follow once you have stopped being stressed.

A unique form of hair regrowth treatment is the diet and the necessity to have it changed to a healthier one. This includes that you should go by the dietitian who is well trained in knowing what to prescribe in order to have a healthy dietary plan.

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