Wednesday, 29 November 2017

What is Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss?

Obesity has become one of the topmost medical problems in the world and is affecting more and more people. Obesity attracts host of other medical problems, which make tackling the obesity problem much more difficult. Hence a different branch of medicine called as “Bariatrics” has been established to tackle this menace and promote weight loss. It is a branch, which includes exercise, diet and behavioral management along with provisions for interventional surgeries, where necessary. One such surgery is known as the Bariatric Surgery.

Bariatric Surgery is also known as Weight Loss Surgery and is a procedure, which is performed on dangerously obese persons for losing weight. There are many types of Bariatric Surgeries, which have shown good results in weight loss management and also helped in the improvement in secondary medical infestations like the diabetes and heart problems.

The basic indication for the Bariatric Surgery is severe obesity with BMI of either or more than 40 kg/m2, who tried the first line of weight management program, under strict supervisions, but still has not been able to reduce weight. Before finalizing for the surgery, there should be an informed decision whereby, the patient is explained all the pros and cons of the operation procedure. He is also explained the possible complications that may arise during or immediately after the surgical procedure. The patient is also explained the possible long term effects like the possibility of reoperation, mal-absorption and gallbladder diseases.

The Bariatric Surgery for weight loss in obese patients can be classified into three main types that are:

Predominantly restrictive procedure, where you reducing the size and capacity of the stomach with the help of adjustable gastric banding, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, Intragastric Balloon and sleeve gastrectomy.

Through the Predominantly mal-absorptive procedures, where you remove a part of stomach by procedures like biliopancreatic diversion or Jejunoileal by pass or the Endoluminal sleeve.

Through mixed procedures like the Gastric Bypass Surgery, Implantable Gastric Stimulation and Sleeve Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch.

Post-operatively after the Bariatric Surgery for weight loss, the patient has a restricted liquid diet consisting of diluted fruit juices, clear broth, or sugar free gelatin desserts. This is the diet of the patient till he does not recover from surgery. Once the patient is able to properly digest these food items, he is introduced to puree or blended sugar-free diet consisting of cream of wheat, little margarine, skimmed milk, protein drinks, mashed potatoes with gravy, and pureed fruits, which lasts for at least two weeks.

As the capacity of the stomach is greatly reduced during operation, the patient cannot overeat, as overeating cause’s nausea and vomiting. After complete recovery, there are certain diet restrictions according to the type of operation, which the patient has to follow. The patients have to take life long multivitamin pills to compensate for the reduction in the absorption of the essential nutrients. Another thing, which they have to remember is that life long they have to take high-protein and low fat diet.

Once the patient has recovered from the surgery, he is put on other weight loss programs like the exercises, so as to build up his stamina, and muscles to increase the calorie burning and hence have weight loss.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Why People Aspire To Lose Weight

Cultural Conditioning

Whether we like it or not a lot of what we do is conditioned by the culture from which we are born or raised. I often wonder why some people are obsessed with weight loss. Is it a neurological disorder or are people just trying to experiment with something new? Why is it that I some African society people aspire to gain weight while in western communities they aspire to lose weight? Are people so different because of the culture into which they are born? All these questions can be answered through the careful study of culture. Culture is the evolving norms that govern the life of people.

The Ideal Body Types

This is not a politically correct thing to say but all of us have an ideal body type and that ideal is largely determined by the culture from which we come from. One of the most interesting things is that the way beauty is valued from community to community. What some people see as absolute beauty is not impressive to other people. I will take a much generalized stereotype of the ideal western women which is blonde, tall and slim. That kind of ideal will not work in certain cultures such as Africa where thinness is associated with disease.

However even within the subcultures there will be variances in terms of the ideal body type. This brings us to some of the reasons that people try to lose weight. Imagine that you come from a culture which values a bit of weight. You have not been bothered by the bit of fat is accumulating around your waist. Eventually you move to a culture which does not value weight. You are then considered to be rather ugly. Weight loss would then become a priority.

Health Reasons

Sometimes people will become so heavy that the weight will begin to affect their general health. Their doctor will then either prescribe pills or a diet program which is designed to bring their weight down. For them weight has become a life and death issue so they have to act or face potentially fatal consequences. Sometimes excessive weight can begin to create health problems such as breathing difficulty and edema. The subsequent pain will then force them to reconsider losing health.
We have been talking about voluntary weight loss but there are people who lose weight despite their best efforts. I am referring to people who have illnesses which make them lose a large amount of weight even if they are aware that it is not particularly good for their health. This is one of those occasions when weight loss is not a welcome development

Personal Preference

Some people just decide that they want to look different and one of the ways in which they can quickly change their appearance is losing weight. These are people who will go to the gym and control their diet in order to reduce the overall amount of body fat that they have. It might not just be about looking good but could also be a decision based on wanting to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Are your children becoming overweight – Spending extra time in front of screen might be a cause

With increase in nuclear families and fewer opportunities for children to play in open spaces, many children are resorting to viewing screens of any kind. This results in children becoming overweight, as per a new research study.

Why do children view screens?

There are various factors that result in children often taking to viewing screens as part of an entertainment. The main reasons are lack of open space for the children to play, lack of friends of same age for the young children to play, etc. Often children see their parents viewing television and often follow their path and think that it’s the right thing to do. Once the children start seeing some programs which are of interest to them, it becomes an addictive habit afterwards.

What do the various screens include?

The screens that child’s view include television, big screens, viewing of movies or other programs in electronic devices like Ipads, etc. Whenever children spend time in seeing something where there is no interaction required, it is considered as an idle time spent by children in viewing screens.

Are children becoming overweight by merely seeing screens?

As per a study conducted, it has been found that when children spend more time in viewing screens, they tend to become overweight. The more disheartening part is that, as children become older, the overweight continues and ultimately become obese.

Obese Children

It has been found that about 11 percentage of the kids who were less than 2 years of age became overweight over the next two to three years, once they spent more time in front of screens. Also, the Hispanic children, American children, Indian and Alaska children had more chances of getting obese when compared to the whites. Also, once the children became obese, there were very less chances of them becoming less weight.

Influencing factors resulting in children becoming overweight
When children spend too much time in front of screens, they are often forced to consume any snacks whether they are healthy or not. Very often, the snacks that they take are practically unhealthy in nature. Also, the commercials that they see in the screens also temp the children to try new snacks which are often unhealthy.

Also, as the children tend to spend more time, their brains tend to stop functioning and tend to go into a hibernate state inside a couch. This is not good for a child’s health.

Average time to view screens
The average time for which children can spend in front of a screen is only a maximum of two hours per day. This includes the time viewed for the program and for the commercials. If children are able to spend less than two hours per day in front any screens, it doesn’t t have much impact on the children to add weight. Also, it is better for the children to spend time playing games or working in computers or iPad, since there is manual interaction needed and since the children need to keep their brains active.

What should we do?
As parents, we should not be spending too much time in front of the screens. We need to make our children play in grounds and parks along with other children, since it result in good development of motor skills in the child. We need to make sure that our children see only some limited good programs for a scheduled time of the day. We should also try spending more time with them playing and talking, so that they do not get bored and ultimately end up sitting in front of a screen.

Friday, 17 November 2017

How to Become Sexy with the Help of Breast Enhancement Pills?

When you browse through the magazine for women in a hair salon you will lot of information about breast enhancement pills. You will start to think how you could get firmer, perkier and larger breasts. You will dream how good you will appear in your favorite dress or swimsuit when your breasts are larger. Let us get back to reality and find whether the breast enhancement pills are really powerful.

Breast supplements are famous and have been in market for a very long. Important point about breast enhancement pills is that some of them work well and some of them do not work.

Breast enhancement pills are usually based on stimulation of natural growth cycle in the bodies that have been very effective. They cause the increase in size of breasts gradually over time and with side benefits which make the breasts perkier and firmer. The supplements which are effective and could have been formulated by use of natural ingredients and herbs along with the growth response of the body.

The natural ingredients and herbs in these pills have been used for centuries as important methods to increase breast size. But if you combine them in proper balance, you will get very good effectives. If you wish to have larger breasts, there are just limited options. Exercises, cosmetic surgery and pills.

Cosmetic surgeries are invasive, give scars, are expensive and give the breast a natural feel. Breast enhancement creams are not that effective. Exercises must play a crucial part in the efforts of breast enlargement. The natural and effective method to enhance the breasts is using a combination of breast enhancement pills and creams along with body workouts which will be very effective. The breast enhancement pills provide a natural growth cycle and do not give a sudden change in the size of breasts. Women are afraid to go for breast enhancement surgeries since there are many complications and negative effects in using breast implants like ruptures, internal leaks, scars etc.

When you consider breast enhancement pills, it is a great idea to find whether the company has existed for long time. Whatever company has been existed for around 5 years, the quality will be high and it is better to purchase such branded pills. For instance, Breast Actives is a famous company producing breast enhancement pills from the year of 2002 and it can be purchased since it is very reliable.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Why Take Acai? 5 Reasons to Eat the Acai Berry

Acai berry is a small sized fruit which has been witnessed as a magical remedy to maintain a prolonged good inner health along with a slim figured body. It is found in the Amazonian rainforest and tremendous benefits are linked with the intake of Acai Berry and food supplements made by it.

We all want to stay fit and healthy throughout our life and mostly try to opt for natural and herbal products to avoid any side effects of chemicals or artificial contents which may damage our metabolism and general health. Out of the many tremendous health benefits of Acai berry, here we are going to share five basic reasons that why you should go for Acai berry as a fruit or as an ingredient of a food supplement containing it.

First and foremost, it works as a preventive food against various diseases which every one of us is under risk. It has been seen that Acia Berry can help people escape from heart attack, heart strokes etc. It also contains preventive contents against diseases like Cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer.

Second important benefit is that it helps in boosting one’s metabolism. A high metabolism automatically results in a good heath and the platform to attain not only physical fitness but also the mental health the combination of which can help a person remain absolutely fit. A good appetite, vigorous approach towards life, glowing skin, and fitness reflect a high rate of metabolism which can be achieved by adding Acai Berry products which contain this magical ingredient.

Third significant advantage of Acai Berry is an improved sex life in terms of willingness to have sex, more desire for sexual indulgence, better sex drive and prolonged time period of sex. Acai Berry contains natural contents which help a person attain strong and better libido. One’s desire to have sex and performance during sex is better as it naturally helps them to improve. It may be considered as a herbal/natural remedy in this pursuit.

Who would not like to have strong bones, perfect eye vision and normal blood pressure? You too must aspire to have all three. If so, then you must add Acai Berry in your diet. It has been witnessed that people who consume a significant amount of Acai Berry or food products containing its extracts have strong bone density, good vision and a normal blood pressure too.

And finally, the uses of Acai berry is not limited to the above health benefits only but also helps you to have control on your mood fluctuation. So you can avoid embarrassing moments occurred due to mood variations. Women who are suffering from mood fluctuations due to hormonal changes or hormonal imbalance may consume Acai Berry as per the advice of their doctor.

No one can resist from taking it after knowing the tremendous benefits of Acai Berry. You must now be impatient to rush to your nearby grocery store to buy Acai Berry and start having it. Fruits are always good for health and Acai Berry is no exception in this context. You must give it a try.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Anti-Aging skin Care

Aging skin is a common problem among the people who are getting old or don’t take proper care of their skin. Anti-aging of skin means prevention of the factors that cause your skin to look wrinkled, pale and pigmented. A lot of anti-aging products are available in the market but most of them contain the ingredients that are not good for your skin. So be careful while purchasing one for you. You can have anti-aging solution yourself by taking proper care of your skin and by using the products which contain active ingredients.

A biggest drawback of aging is that you lose color and pigment of your skin with the increase in your age. It makes your skin look pale and you look older as a result. So, it is a common concern in women with aging skin that how they can add color to and freshness to their face. A lot of women, who wanted to use anti-aging cream, get confused at the time of selection. Before taking measures to solve it we have to understand completely that what this anti-aging is?

In an aging skin the structural proteins that bind and support the skin, elastin and collagen, lose cohesion. It makes skin wrinkled and sagged. The ability of body to produce new collagen and elastin finishes as a person grows. The number of cells in the various layers of skin decline and it loses its ability to maintain adequate moisture. As a result the healing process of skin stops working properly and skin’s ability to receive nutrients and repair itself gets affected. So, the result is loose and wrinkled skin.

Skin care marketers are trying to get attraction of people to sell their product. A lot of anti aging creams with different labels and formulations are available these days. Many people rush to buy these products without knowing the impact that a particular product will bring and without consulting a skin specialist. The good side of these products is that they are a result of continuous research to improve skin condition. You should consult a skin specialist if you are planning to use any of skin care products available in market to ensure that your skin is not exposed to dangerous chemicals.
You can make your skin care program at home. Here are some gridlines for your skin care program:

Drink a lot of water. Drinking a lot of water will keep your hydration at proper level and will keep your body clean from toxins. So your skin will look fresh
To reduce aging effect from your skin, do not over expose your skin in the sun. Use proper protection when you have to go out in sun.
You must completely understand the nature and ingredients of the product you are using for your aging skin. Sometimes these products contain active ingredients too but most of time they have ingredients like fillers, coloring, chemicals and coloring. So always choose a product with skin healthy formulations, containing 80% active ingredients.
Use an effective cleanser. Choose a cleanser which leaves your skin smooth and soft by cleansing it deep into pores without having any negative side effects.
Sleep well and avoid stress. These factors cause wrinkles on your skin.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

I Follow a Diet and I Don't Lose Weight

The famous problem of excessive body weight has been and probably always will be a topic that will address to a significant proportion of world population. Unfortunately, the diets used are "in fashion", which determine the effect of "yo-yo" and not help the long-term weight loss process.

There are a number of people who mostly control the amount of food ingested, maintaining a negative energy balance to manage to be supple. Another category of people follow a diet of weight loss, but without result.

Honestly speaking, this last category include people who probably make a number of nutritional mistakes less obvious. Of course diseases overweight may be a direct cause of these negative results, but these situations are, statistically speaking, far more rare. Next we present some reasons for weight-loss diet may be held without the desired results.

Constipaton - colon should be emptied at least once a day regularly and effortlessly. Abundant consumption of fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, fresh water and can provide an impeccable bowel.
Food intolerances - there are a number of foods which the body does not tolerate, but immune system to this intolerance occurs most often after very long periods of time, even years. Food very used as wheat, sugar or dairy products are only a few food allergens and whose presence in the body stops the weight loss process.
Lack of regular physical activity - this is essential because it increase metabolic rate and help the process of lipolysis.
Endocrine disorders, especially thyroid - the gland controls the whole body metabolism and excess sugar, caffeine and alcohol are not good.
Mineral and vitamin deficiencies - deficiency of elements such as magnesium or calcium can lead to weight gain. These elements are lost also by the excessive use of laxatives and diuretics.
Insufficient intake of water - water should be consumed in sufficient quantity (35 ml / kg / day) for good digestion, for a complete hydration and especially for complete removal of toxins from the body.
Excessive stress - help to the formation of toxic substances in the blood, which translates in the behavioral level of fatigue, agitation or nervousness. Stress disrupt digestive function, which follows in the increasing weight.

Vitamins can play important role in Skin care

Recent studies have confirmed that vitamins can enhance the quality of skin in various ways. Have a very healthy and well balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals to have active and good skin. Skin care has always been a issue and people look for different alternates to maintain good skin. There are variety of skin care products available in the market that claim to have good vitamins but they are not. Vitamins A, C and E, are good antioxidants with ability to fight against free radicals.

Skin care products cause the uppermost layers of the skin cells to shrink and thus restricting the proper breathing and oil flow from the pores causing clogging of the pores.
Always Use a very good cleanser with various vitamin ingredients for your skin and avoid those cleansers, which contain alcohol.

Always choose your skin care cosmetic and facial products, after thoroughly going through their ingredients and ensure that they contain traces of vitamins. Try to use products, which have neutral pH value, as they generally do not tend to aggravate the matter by extracting the natural oils for the skin. If possible put some drops of oil in the bathing water, so that your skin remains smooth and supple. There are various problems related to chapping of the skin, which is caused due to the excessive dryness of the skin. This problem requires skin care to be taken on the lines of dry skin, as the main reason is excessive dryness of the skin. Here you should take proper skin care by having plenty of water and be well hydrated. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and also take foods, which are rich in vitamins A, and E, which are very good antioxidants and also help in fast repair of the skin. Also remember to use plenty moisturizers daily to keep the skin supple. Regular skin care with the help of regular oil massages is always very beneficial. Try to use neutral pH products, so that the skin is not affected further.

Due to growing importance of vitamins in the skin care products ,various skin care product manufacturers now includes extract of vitamins in their skin care product range. There are varieties of vitamins that are being added to skin care products. Most common vitamins are Vitamin C, B, B12 and vitamin A. Vitamin C plays important role in producing collegan. Collegan is the basic essential element that maintains healthy and good skin. Vitamin B encourages healthy skin and protects skin from inflammation. Deficiency of Vitamin A leads to dehydrated skin with wrinkles.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Opening the Windows to Your Soul through Nail Care

Keratin is a hard protein that makes up the nails. Proteins are one of the building blocks that form the body. Proper nail care helps protect the ends of the fingers and toes from any types of trauma or injury. Proper nail care is important because we do most of our activities in daily living using our hands. It is through the hands that we demonstrate care and compassion, love and acceptance, trust, forgiveness and gratitude. It is also through the hands that we transmit all kinds of bacteria and infectious organisms that are bad for the health.

Over the past few years, the nails have become more significant for cosmetic rather than for health reasons. Manicuring is the term used to define the care for the hands and nails. A person should do basic manicuring at least once a week. It is advisable to seek the help of a professional manicurist every four to six weeks. It is the job of a professional manicurist to keep your nails healthy and looking beautiful.

When it comes to personal grooming, nail care is so important. What impression would a woman make on you if she has done everything to make herself presentable except that she has been careless about her nails? Nail care is so easy to do that if you cannot afford to visit the manicurist, you can always do it yourself. Here are some easy tips to keep your nails healthy and looking perfect.

For grimy nails, just give your hands a scrub with a mild soap and warm water before and after doing something. Using a nailbrush and an orange stick, remove the gunges from under your nails.
Prevent infections such as nail fungus by regularly cleaning your nails. If infection such as nail fungus does occur, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Most often, an anti-fungal paint is prescribed to get rid of it. Some of the outward signs of nail fungus are whitish or yellowish discolorations, crumbliness and a slight separation from the nail bed. You can also trim off loose skin down the side of your nails or hangnails with nail cutters. Skin tearing increases the risk of infections. You should never consider using a pair of scissors to cut your nails.
Do basic nail care by washing your hands with a mild, hypoallergenic soap. Lather and gently scrub the nails with a nailbrush. To soften the cuticles, soak the hands in lukewarm water for five to fifteen minutes. For cuticles that are long and ragged, push them back very gently. To avoid scratching yourself, trim your nails to the desired length and file the edges to even out the spiky tips. Hand creams help in moisturizing your hands if you have dry skin.
Never bite your nails. Nail biting is a habit that implies insecurity. A person often bites his or her nails when tensed, anxious, embarrassed, afraid, or troubled. If nail biting is a habit you want to stop, try using anti-biting nail paint. Anti-biting nail paint tastes so disgusting that no one can stand it.
If you can afford to have artificial nails, make sure that they are applied by a good technician. Artificial nails need manicuring or refilling every two to three weeks. If however you decide to remove them, use the prescribed solution. Natural nails remain healthy and in good condition even when the artificial nails are removed.
Nail tip designs are so tempting. Nail tip designing may be so fashionable but nail tip designs that are put into place with glue is bad. Glue damages the nails even when they are applied on the polished layers. You can do nail tip designs by experimenting on different layers of nail polish color. Make sure that the last polished layer is already dry before the next layer is applied.
Acrylic nails should be kept polished. Do not thicken the polish too much because it causes bubbling. Nails should first be cleaned before the application of an acrylic layer. A base coat should be applied first to protect the nails and help the acrylic layer stick the proper way. For excess acrylic on the sides of the fingernail, use a nail stick to trace the borders. To camouflage bubbles or streaks and add shine to the nails, the polish is sealed with a top coat.
Proper hygiene is so important that you can actually judge a person’s character by how he or she takes care of herself. Nail care might be too petty that you can hardly notice nor remember it. What you actually do not realize is that 90% of the people you acquaint yourself with assess and evaluate your overall persona through the appearance of your nails.

Natural Colon Cleanse Product Reviews

As we all know, Americans have a horrible diet and need help in cleansing their colon to stay healthy. There are so many different ‘natural’ colon cleansers out there it will take some research to find the right one for you. Before you invest hard earned money take a few minutes and ask yourself a few questions. Using the natural colon cleanse product reviews will surely help you decide. These are based on extensive research by the companies and by people that have used their products.

If you are going to take pills that you saw on the natural colon cleanse product reviews, are they effective? Do they offer a full colonic cleansing? And most important are there side effects and what will they be. So many natural colon cleanse product reviews will come right and tell you which ones are just worthless and which will be better than others.

Bowtrol is liked by many consumers as it is a safe colon cleaner and there are not a lot of side effects. It has many natural ingredients such as slippery elm, flax seed, aloe and olive leaf extract just to name a few. Many people state they will have two to three bowel movements a day with Bowtrol. It does not cause bloating, cramps or constipation like many other cleansers will do. Some consumers state a noticeable result after the first day of using it. Natural colon cleanse product reviews on Bowtrol also states it is effective as it will dissolve all the impacted fecal matter, help one lose weight and can kill the parasites that are in the colon. Many liked it as they did not have to change their eating habits.

Other natural colon cleanse product reviews that received high marks was DigestIt. This too cleanses the colon of the decaying fecal matter such as Bowtrol. Through many tests it was concluded that DigestIt will effectively remove all parasites and traces of toxic chemicals that are located in the colon. Many consumers will tell you it is well worth the price. At times the company will run a free trial offer which many will use and then realize how good it is.

Another excellent natural colon cleanse product reviews is the dual action colon cleanse. It was favorable among many consumers, but it has two products that must be used together to get any results. This one is a thirty day colon cleansing program. Taking one tablet for thirty days will do the trick. While using this product one must drink a lot of water and eat a well balanced diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits.

So which ever natural colon cleanse product reviews you wish to take, check with your doctor first and they say go ahead, by all means pick one that will work for your life style.

Top Natural Remedies For Wrinkles

Wrinkle is a natural process that no one can avoid. However, by making use of natural home remedies, people can keep wrinkles at bay. They are perfectly safe and inexpensive to your skin.

Here are some natural ways you can apply at home:

1.      Olive Oil

The oil has softening benefits and anti oxidant properties along with essential vitamins. It is also a good source of anti-aging that can slow down the signs of age. Plus, olive oil is a must-have in every kitchen, which you can easily turn it into an anti-wrinkle tool anytime.

·         Wash your face thoroughly and pad it dry.

·         Gently massage olive oil on your face, follow circular motion.

·         Leave it overnight to fully penetrate into your skin.

·         Wash off with water the next morning to get rid of sticky feeling.

2.      Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an age-old ingredient to avoid wrinkles, especially the leaves. They are high in vitamins and minerals that good for skin as well as really easy to penetrate in your skin. Plus side of Fenugreek is that it is available for you to use.

·         Crush one handful of fresh Fenugreek leaves with a small amount of water.

·         Wash your face and pad it nearly dry then apply the paste all over.

·         Leave it for 15 minutes until it become dry.

·         Wash off with water right after and apply your night cream.

·         Perform the action 3 times a week to have best result.

3.      Aloe vera

This water based ingredient can soothe any skin irritation along with keep your skin to stay hydrated. Besides, there’s malic acid in aloe vera that can deal with wrinkles as it can enhance skin elasticity.

·         Cut one aloe vera open to get the gel.

·         Wash your face thoroughly and use a cotton ball to apply all over your face.

·         Leave it for 15 minutes at least to dry then rinse off with water or mild face cleanser.

4.      Ginger

Ginger is a warm herb that is effective in treating infectious problems. However, they are also an effective tool to deal with wrinkles as it has anti-wrinkles properties. Plus, the high source of anti antioxidant content in ginger can enhance skin elastin and banish breakdown.

·         Mix ½ cup of ginger powder with equal amount of honey.

·         With your empty stomach, eat the mixture every morning.

·         Keep doing the action within few months to have the best result.

5.      Banana

Banana is a nutritious fruit that can treat the problem of wrinkles from inside. Banana is a good source of antioxidants as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, the fruit can promote the rejuvenate process of your skin. The most effective way is to eat one or two banana per day, which is good for your health and your skin as well.

6.      Almonds

Almonds are packed with fiber, vitamin E and other essential properties that can boost skin rejuvenate process. Using almonds on a regular basis is also a good way to prevent other health and skin problems.

·         Before grinding almonds, soak a pinch into milk one night.

·         Take out then grind them until they become a thick paste.

·         Wash your face thoroughly then pad it nearly dry then wash off with water.

·         Leave it 30 minutes to absorb on your skin thoroughly.

·         Wash off with water right after and perform the action few times a week.

7.      Carrots

Good source of vitamin A is also a good choice to reduce wrinkles, which is available in carrots. Besides, carrots can provide extra amount of collagen to your skin and leave it an even and smooth skin tone. To treat wrinkles from inside, the most effective way is to drink carrots juice daily.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Things You Can Do to Reverse Hair Loss - Enjoy a Gradual More Natural Hair Regrowth

Hair loss is a problem that might occur in your life, although you have thought of yourself being a healthy person with a fit condition. But once this thing is noticed you have to know that there is a way to get you into reversing hair loss by natural and gradual hair regrowth.

As impossible as it might look, this process is actually happening among the range of many individuals who suffer from this condition known as "balding". You must learn that these people are not among the ones who have looked for miracle among the array of products advertised online or TV commercials to show products that work wonders on your hair loss.

Dealing with this problem from a realistic point of view has to do with finding the cause that generated the present condition of your hair. Learn the causes first, then work on their effects in a more beneficial way, is a useful advice which you need to listen to. It is mentioned that the causes of the hair loss could belong to either your way of living, heredity or the way your hormones react to the presence of stress.

Considering the fact that the problem of your hair loss is strictly connected to the layer of skin that hosts the hairs, you should consider a dermatologist to check with first before venturing into any other remedying further step. The dermatologist is the one to let you know about how the mechanism of the hair growing is put into action. He/she will guide you to the appropriate remedies not before checking on the condition of your follicles.

Speaking of which, these follicles are the ones responsible with the feeding of your hair. They are the ones to bring the necessary nutrients to your hair allowing it to grow naturally, enabling it at the same time to spread its shinning and beauty in a healthy way. If the dermatologist ascertains that your follicles are still capable of performing their job, then you must know that your hair can be put into the process of a natural hair regrowth.

Because, yes, hair can get back to its previous status - that of growing gradually in a natural manner. This naturalness of re-growing is possible due to the fact that the follicles are still available and ready to continue to do their job. In case they are not in such a good condition then the dermatologist would recommend the alternative of having hair plugs and transplants, although these methods are extremely painful and expensive as well.

Most of the times, situations that the follicles are still apt, ready to function, luckily occur, therefore the treatment can begin with supplements of minerals and vitamins next to cures that use herbal extracts that work wonder in reversing the hair loss process and make the hair re-grow progressively and naturally.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Is Breast Actives For YOU?

Back from ancient times onwards, women with bigger and better shaped breasts were attracted everywhere. Those who were having smaller or sagging breasts were always feeling inferior for what they are having, and the world of medical science could do nothing on the same. We are talking about the past, and the present [and for sure, future as well] is not the same.

What affects the size and shape of breast?

Having a perfect breast may not be possible always, for it is affected by many different factors such as genetics, the circumstances in which one was born and brought up, feeding habits, other developmental issues etc.

Can somebody develop a bigger and better shaped breast on a later stage if they don’t have it naturally?

As the present era is of ultimate inventions both in the fields of science and technology, and breast enhancement science has also grown further giving ways to some completely natural breast enhancement solutions. Yes, you will have a bigger and better breast that is 100% natural without any surgery or similar treatments that will make you bear the consequences in the future.

Breast Active

Breast Active is the #1 non-surgical breast enhancement program that caught the attention of Television channels and of course, people around the globe. This scientifically proven and naturally prepared treatment has its roots back to times when people completely depended nature to care and cure them. The world of science is getting back to the nature as it is the only way to get rid of the side effects of quick-heal remedies or surgeries. As Breast Active is perfectly prepared from natural ingredients and is bringing wonderful results in a short span of time, women from all walks of life started giving it a try. Once they were convinced, they were more than happy to recommend it to others.

You Deserve Attention

Being the center of attention is not that easy, but still not the monopoly of a minority. As the size and shape of breast is a great factor that gets attention, and also a factor that determines the confidence level or “self worth” of a woman, getting it overcome is a must to do. The breast enhancement shouldn’t lead you to suffer the whole life as the impact of surgery or such treatments, and the wise choice should be the natural treatments like Breast Active.

Why Is This A Life Changing Process?

Getting out will no more be an issue, evening dress will never threaten you, and why say, you will be more than happy to be inside a swim suite. Have a bigger and better shaped breast using Breast Active and be the center of attention wherever you go.

Top Five Advantages of natural breast Enhancement

Breasts are important assets for women and they act as a source of confidence for them. Women having attractive breasts get lot of attention from other people. When it comes about attractive breasts, there are people who suffer from flat or smaller breasts. There are many options in market which can help in increasing the breast size. These options include surgeries, breast enhancement pills, creams, lotions and body workouts.

In order to increase the breast size, most women choose surgeries when compared to natural methods without getting any serious thinking in mind with the whole matter. There are many side effects and many health complications related to breast enhancement surgeries which we shall discuss regarding benefits of natural breast enhancement. The natural breast enhancement includes creams, pills and various other medications which are based on the natural ingredients which are intended for supplying the women’s body with many nutrients that start the growth of tissues in women’s breasts.

The natural breast enhancement medications includes creams, pills and various other medications which are based on natural ingredients which could be applied to women’s body with essential nutrients for initiating the growth of tissues in their breasts.

1) Peace of Mind: Natural breast enhancement techniques are safe to use and does not have any complications when preparing for surgeries. We should not use chemical and other medications for that.

2) There are not side effects like the breast augmentation surgery. Natural breast enhancement pills are very safe and can be used without any risk of negative side effects.

3) Increased health benefits: By using natural breasts enhancement pills, the body of a woman is nourished with certain nutrients which can be an added benefit to her health.

4) Perfect Body shape: Most of the women consider that only breast augmentation surgery could help in getting the best figure but it is generally a misnomer. It could be done without such hard work and natural breast enhancement is the best method to increase the breast size without any danger.

5) Low Cost: Natural breast enhancement pills and creams are very cheap when compared to the breast augmentation surgeries. By making use of natural breast enhancement techniques we can definitely get lot of benefits.

Natural Home Remedies for Bladder Infections

Bladder infection can happen to all of us. Although this is not a too serious problem, it leads to many discomforts and inconvenience in life and needs to be treated carefully.
Here are 7 effective natural home remedies that work to help you to reduce the pain caused by bladder infections and decrease its symptoms.

Natural Home Remedies for Bladder Infections

1. Water

The simplest and most effective remedy for bladder infections is water. Drinking enough water will help you to urinate often, the core of bladder infection treatment. In addition, there is no harm when you increase the amount of water intake. This habit can prevent many problems in your daily life, such as swollen feet.
Simply drink enough 2 – 2.5 litler of water everyday to see the results.

2.  Pineapples

Bromelain enzyme in pineapple is anti-inflammatory ingredient that can lessen the symptoms of bladder infections.
·         Eat some fresh pineapple everyday.
·         You can also drink pineapple juice extracted form ½ a pineapple.

     3. Hot water compress

Applying this remedy often can help you to relieve pain from infection and make the bladder pressure minimize. In addition, it can also reduce inflammation and inhibit the bacteria from growing.
How to use:
·         Pour hot water in a bottle.
·         Put it on your lower abdomen for a while.

     4. Blueberries

You can use blueberries as an effective remedy to get rid of bladder infections due to the bacteria-inhibiting properties. Furthermore, blueberries contains antioxidants which prohibit bacteria causing bladder from growing and boost the immune system as well.

·         Eat some fresh blueberries with breakfast or add bluberries to your daily diet.
·   Alternatively, make blueberry juice and drink it twice everyday, once in morning and once at night. But remember drink only unsweetened juice.
     5. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is a rich source of proanthocyanidins and antibiotic –  properties that can control bacteria to reach the walls of urethra, leading to bladder infections.
·   Simply drink ½ glass of cranberry juice everyday to prevent bladder infections. You can add apple juice to cranberry juice if you like.
·      People who suffer from bladder infections are advised to drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice a day to get the best results.
·         Drink UNSWEETENED cranberries fruits.
·         DO NOT drink cranberry fruits if you have a history of kidney stones.

     6. Cucumber

Cucumber contains a great amount of water. That’s why it can be used as a treatment for bladder infection. Furthermore, cucumber is well-known for its magical benefits such as skin care, health care, etc.

Simply eat some fresh cucumbers everyday or add them to your meals.

     7. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contain natural minerals such as potassium, enzymes that can make the growth of bacteria undercontrol. It is one of the best home remedies for bladder infection.

·         Dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 glass of water.
·         Drink this solution twice daily in some days to see the results.

Top Treatment For Nosebleeds

Nosebleed is a the most common problems among nose-related disease. It is caused by many reasons such as dehydration, common cold and other problems. You can use medicine to get rid of the problem. However, there’s better ways that you can make use of from natural ingredients in your house.

Here are some natural home remedies for nosebleed you can totally apply at home:

1.       Pinch The Nose

The easiest way to stop nosebleed is to pinch your nose. It can put pressure to the bleeding point and stop blood right away.

2.      Cold Compress

Cold compress is the most effective way to sooth the pain, especially for blood bleeding from your nose. For a long term, cold compress cannot tackle the bleeding but it will stop blood right away just in few minutes.

·         Take out some ice cubes from the freezer.

·         Wrap it with a clean cloth.

·         Directly apply on your nose where blood bleeds.

·         Leave it for a while for at least 5 minutes.

·         Perform the action for couples of times a day.

3.      Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is especially effective when it comes to treating health problems. It will quickly stop nosebleed and prevent too much blood loss in broken vessel.

Here’s how to apply:

·         Pour one full cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.

·         Dip a cotton ball into the bowl and apply into the bleeding nose and hold it for a while.

·         Repeat it for few times within 5 to 10 minutes.

Alternatively, you can drink apple cider vinegar dilute in one cup of warm water then drink to save time.

4.      Cayenne

Cayenne is has strong flavor, which makes it stop bleeding nose right away. It works wonders to put pressure on blood vessels where it bleeding the most and eventually, it stop it from flowing.

·         Add one teaspoon of cayenne powder to a cup of boiling water.

·         Stir them well then drink the solution right away.

Alternative, you can drink cayenne powder if you cannot bear the taste. There’s only one thing to remember is that you should consult doctor before taking medicine.

5.      Onion

Onion is a wonderful herb to treat any health problems which is caused by virus or bacteria. It is specifically effective to treat nose bleeding as it has natural fumes which can clot the blood.

Here’s how to apply:

·         Take out one fresh onion.

·         Cut it into thick slices and put it right away under your nose.

·         Try to breathe in all the fumes even though the fume is a bit hard to bear.

·         Leave it for few minutes and repeat the action as you find blood stops bleeding.

Alternatively, you can drops onion juice into your nostril.

·         Crush one fresh onion and extract the juice.

·         Infuse the juice into a dropper.

·         Use the dropper to drop into each nostril respectively.

·         Repeat for several times when you find your nose stops bleeding.

6.      Salt Water

Salt is a great tool in getting rid of excessive mucus and membranes that cause your nose to bleed. Besides, it works wonders to prevent your nose from dryness and stops blood from spreading once it happens.

Here’s how to apply:

·         Dilute ½ cup teaspoon of salt into a bowl of warm water.

·         Infuse the solution into a dropper and use the dropper to drop into each nostril.

·         Repeat the action few times throughout the day until you find your nose stops bleeding.

7.      Nettle

People have been using nettle to treat nose blood for quite a long time as it is loaded with astringent properties. Besides, it can enhance capillaries that trigger bleeding nose.

Here’s how to apply:

·         Crush a handful of fresh nettle leaves and extract the juice.

·         Infuse the juice into a dropper then drops in each nose.

·         Leave it for a while then blood will sure stop.

Augment Your Breasts Through Massage

The main idea when we think about a massage is relaxation. What actually happens into your body when is being massaged is that the blood is circulating better, this way oxygenating all the cells in your muscles. Also it brings nutrients, so you will feel much better. With this is mind, think about what a massage can do to your breasts.

By bringing oxygen and nutrients they will look healthier, with a shape more natural and also a massage can help them get bigger. Also by massaging your breasts you can discover whether a modification has produced, such as a tumor like mass. In this way, not only you make your breasts look better, but also you prevent a possible disease.

Another health-related advantage brought by massaging your breasts is that in this way it is believed that the chemicals accumulated from the outside environment into your body can be eliminated with the contribution of the lymphatic system.

In every moment you are exposed to chemical substances that pollute not only our environment, but also our body. And the way all this pollution affect the nature, the same way, or even worst in some cases, affects our entire body. Massaging your breasts can be a way of getting rid of a part of these toxins and also can make your breasts look different.

The advantages brought by breasts massages were seen and told by women actually using it for other purposes. After different health problems in witch they had to have a breast surgery, the doctors recommended to massage their breasts in order to reduce the swelling and to eliminate the blood and other substances that were accumulated on the operated breast. After a period of massaging their breasts, these women observed a change, in the good way, on how their breasts look like. They had a rounder shape and were slightly enhanced.

This massage can be done with the aid of a cream specially design to enhance your breasts. This way you will benefit from two ways of making your breasts look bigger. You can have the shape and size desired for your breasts without appealing to surgery and without any side effect that might influence your health in a negative way.

When massaging your breasts you have to make this in such a way that it will drain the lymphatic vessels, this way you will benefit from the advantages that this type of massage can bring to your health. Still you have to control the pressure applied on your breasts when massaging because it can become an unpleasant experience witch can leave marks on your skin.

For a massage to be complete and for its effects to be seen it has to last at least five minutes for one breast.

All you need to do is to read all the things you can do in order to have bigger breasts. There are many methods of obtaining the shape and size that you have always wanted. You can find a lot of information with the help of the internet.

There are creams, pills, massages, special bras that can help you improve your opinion about your breasts. All these are natural ways to use without any pain, any side effects. Also these are not expensive methods and along with the breast enhancement it can bring also other advantages to your health.

Home Remedies are Great, Within Limits

Being a parent is a very difficult job, and all parents have at one point or another been in a very trying situation. Keeping babies and children healthy and happy is indeed a full-time job, and parents need all the help that they can get.

One of the most worrying things to a parent, especially a new parent, is illness or injury to their beloved baby. It can often get to the point when even a minor scratch or bump can lead to extreme reactions from the parents. Many pediatricians and family doctors would probably be able to tell many stories about over-worried parents bringing their babies in to be treated for just these small reasons. A good knowledge of sensible home remedies could have saved these parents some time, money, and effort.

Simple first aid type home remedies are a must for every parent. Minor cuts, bumps, and bruises do not require immediate medical attention from a doctor. Keeping a well-stocked first aid kit with clean bandages, gauze, antiseptic, and the like will go far towards being prepared for such incidents. Parents should be confident enough in themselves to apply such simple remedies as these. These remedies, usually involving applying an external cure or fix, do not require any expertise. Of course, parents should still be careful not to cause their child any further harm by being over-excited about first aid.

On the other hand, most new parents are too often unnecessarily scared of attempting to use even simple home remedies on their child. This should not be the case, and parents should make the effort to learn to treat simple ailments on their own. For one thing, in a lot of cases, quick and careful response to injury can prevent it from worsening. For another, it is often more economical and convenient to be able to treat ailments at home. Not to mention that your child will be much happier being treated right away by their parents rather than being taken to the hospital.

With increasing experience, parents will soon be able and confident enough to make use of more involved home remedies. This is perfectly fine up to an extent. Consultation with a doctor you know and trust should set the proper boundaries for when hospital care is necessary. Home remedies are in no way scary or dangerous, if used within the proper limits and with loving care.

Bariatrics-The One Stop Management for Weight Loss

Nowadays, obesity and overweight is becoming one of the biggest challenges for the health care providers, as many people are falling prey to this lifestyle problem. To tackle this problem, a branch known as the “Bariatrics” was established in 1965. It is a field, which deals in the various approaches for weight loss like behavioral therapy, dieting, exercises, surgery, and pharmacotherapy.

Obesity and overweight are the main reasons for many of the medical problems like diabetes, asthma, heart diseases, kidney problems, osteoarthritis, and other neuro-musculoskeletal diseases, that have seen many folds increase in recent times. There is also a direct link in the increased morbidity and mortality due to obesity.

Obesity can be due to lifestyle behavior or due to any medical problem like hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, kidney diseases, etc. The Body Mass Index is the most popular method for finding the excess amount of body weight. The other marker for measuring the obesity is the waist circumference measurement and the waist-hip ratio.
It is very difficult for an individual to lose weight on his own. You see everywhere that the overweight people go on diet and have a weight loss, only to be back to their earlier weight after some time. When you lose weight, it is equally important to maintain it for a long time.

Behavior therapy, exercise, and diet along with the anti-obesity medicines are considered as the first line of treatment for losing weight in obese persons. But these have been found to have very short and limited success in weight loss programs and very rarely long term benefits. The conventional therapies for losing weight are:

Dietary Counseling, where the dieticians advice the patients, as to what changes can be brought about in the food that they are eating to make it more healthy, nutritious and at the same time are low-calorie food. The diet is prepared according to the type and amount of work the patient is doing in addition to his daily activities. They calculate the calorie requirements based on the above stated factors and suggest ways to have the right amount of calorie food daily, so that your body loses weight and at the same time gets adequate nutrition.

For any weight loss program to become successful, exercise is very necessary. It helps in improving the basic metabolic rate, and increasing the muscle mass, so that you are able to spend more calories while doing the same work.

For any weight loss program to have a long lasting effect, it is very necessary to have psychological counseling so that, if there is any block some where it can be resolved and the program can become successful. The counseling also helps in developing positive attitude towards life and the losing weight program in special so that you can get fast results.

Those who are very obese do not respond to these measures and hence require interventional therapies like weight loss surgeries. Usually surgeries result in greater losing of weight, and also help in marked improvement in the quality of life that the person leads. Such surgeries also help in greater control of diabetes and hypertension. Such type of obese patients benefit a lot if after the surgery, they are put on the conventional line of weight loss programs. This method is known as the combination therapy, and is customized according to each patient, keeping in view his lifestyle habits and needs.